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14 February 2011

Update...more than 12 months on

It has been quite a log time since I have posted anything on this site - and no one is probably checking any longer! But Lani, I know you have been asking a lot about it - sorry about the delay!

I found that the blog was consuming all my thoughts and so I needed a bit of a break. Also, I recently realised that my stopping the blog coincided with when Mark and I became very serious about having a baby (which became all consuming and was very stressful), and also when we bought our two gorgeous dogs - Georgie and Daisy (who now take up a bit of our time).

Well, I am now (finally, after IVF) almost 18 weeks pregnant (YAY!!) and have been wanting to get back into the blog again.

I have made a few interesting recipes lately - strawberry, prawn and haloumi salad - tomato and caper salad (just to name a couple) - and also want to buy an ice cream maker so I can experiment with different ice cream flavours.

So, I am hoping to start posting recipes again more regularly very soon. Scott and Amber are coming over on Saturday night so I'll try and start with my menu for that dinner...I suspect it may involve a souffle.

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